Monday, October 14, 2013

Marlee goes to the Pumpkin Patch!

I could not wait to take Marlee to the pumpkin patch!  Every year I have loved looking at pictures of my friends and their kids at the pumpkin patch. Some dream of their child's first dance recital or first tee-ball game, I dreamed of the first trip to the pumpkin patch. As the day approached, it occurred to me that I may be expecting too much from this day. High expectations (my fairy tale world) can get me in trouble! This day, however, did not disappoint! Well, with the exception of the short sleeves and flip flops. I would have much preferred sweater and boots weather!

One day, I guess, I will accept the fact that I live in the south and will probably never wear a sweater to a pumpkin patch nor will I chop down a Christmas tree in the snow. Not that, in reality, I ever chop down a Christmas tree - only in fairy tale world! But in the real world, I wouldn't mind driving to Lowes in the snow (or at least wearing a heavy coat) to pick out our tree. Ok... Back to the pumpkin patch. Picking out a Christmas tree deserves a post of its own!

The day began with a car ride to Cedar Hill Farm and then a hayride to the pumpkin patch where Marlee chose her very own pumpkin.

She loved pulling up on the big pumpkins and really wanted to see how the stems tasted :(. She loved being outside and enjoyed the fresh air by taking off her shoes and opening her mouth wide making for lots of funny pictures. I'm not sure why she does this, but we think it's pretty cute!

In between all of the picture taking, we did lots of fun things!

We got a sneak peek at the Christmas tree farm :).

She loved watching her daddy feed the goats.

She even went on a train and pony ride!

We chose more pumpkins to bring home with us and then headed to the Memphis Street Cafe for lunch. All in all, I'd say the first pumpkin patch experience was a success! I suspect it will only get more fun each year!

Stay tune! I have a birthday party and cochlear implant surgery to blog about!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, Melissa, you never disappoint in your retelling of the events in your life! Truly, the day was a gift for you all and I totally enjoyed the visual and written expression you gave on your blog! The Greg Morris family is pure joy to this woman!! I am so looking forward to the next blog...
